Wednesday, April 4, 2007

In April Skies New Lives Fly

Hi! We had a challenging week last week. Coletta became terribly ill the day before leaving on a trip to meet the family. I got something too but not like her. There is no greater pain than someone you love hurting helplessly. Every living person knows this.

She's much better now. All this on my birthday week. The Universe requested me to "PAUSE" and I did.

New Year/New Life! 12 Week Group Intensive begins in seven days! I am so excited about this class. It is the first time I have brought together a total life optimization program as complete as this. There is something in New Year/New Life! that clicks perfect with everyone. And when that happens... a whole new magnificent dream life emerges. (More info)

How much sweeter would you love life to be? What magic swims freely in the air? What scenes etch their soul into your mind? How perfect would life be for you... and for your loved ones... right now if life was this way?

You can be, do, have anything you direct your attention on... Today. Right now. Entruiging, isn't it? LEARN MORE >>>